For Indium isotope
In the combined analysis was carried out for experimental data for cross
sections of total and partial photoneutron reactions obtained using bremsstrahlung
quasimonoenergetic photons obtained via annihilation in flight of fast positrons. The systematic
disagreements between the various experiments data were analyzed and the methods for their taking
into account were carried out.
Using the various experiments data for total photoneutron yield reaction cross sections
s(g,xn) and the new experimental-theoretical threatment to evaluation of partial reaction cross
sections the evaluated data for s(g,n) and s(g,2n) reaction cross sections free from shortcomings of
experimental neutron multiplicity sorting methids were obtained.
New reliable partial photoneutron reaction cross section data for
In were obtained as
individual and joint evaluations of concrete experiment results.
Document number: 2010-8/864
Authors: V.V. Varlamov, B.S.Ishkhanov, V.N.Orlin, A.V.Sopov
Email: [email protected]