Spin-dependent observables in intermediate-energy pd elastic scattering within the framework
of the generalized diffraction model are considered. The generalization includes an
account of all pp and pn helicity amplitudes at respective energies constructed on the basis
of modern PSA and accurate deuteron wave functions taken in two alternative NN force
models. Predictions of the generalized diffraction model for differential cross section and
analyzing powers are compared to the results of exact three-nucleon calculations based on
solution of the Faddeev equations with the same on-shell NN input amplitudes, and also
to the recent experimental data. An amazing agreement in a wide angular range between
results of the exact Faddeev theory and generalized diffraction model not only for differential
cross section but also for vector and tensor analyzing powers is found.
Document number: 2009-2/846
Authors: M.N. Platonova
Email: [email protected]