Experimental detection opportunity of dirated radiation by channeling electrons with energy
15-40 ÌýÂ for microtron conditions in Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University is
discussed. The new way of a crystal orientation is oered for electron accelerators with short time
of a cycle of acceleration and electrons dropping on a target (a microthrone, a linear accelerator)
by means of integrated characteristics measuring of soft radiation yield from the thin metal targets,
providing suciency reduction of orientation procedure in tens times. All complex of a preparation
work is realized(it is created experimental installation, the necessary software package is written, test
measurements are carried out). That allows to begin experimental researches in the near future of
radiation characteristics at interaction of fast electrons with ordered media, in particular, experiments
with inuence checking of dynamic eects on a spectrum channelling radiations, and to search diracted
Document number: 2008-1/837
Authors: D.A.Baklanov, I.E.Vnukov, V.K.Grishin, Yu.V.Zhandarmov, A.N.Ermakov, G.P.Pokhil, R.A.Shatokhin
Email: [email protected]