Administration congratulates all scientists of SINP MSU with the Day of Russian science!
This holiday was established by the Decree of the Russian President as recognition of the Russian science merits: "taking into consideration an outstanding input of national science into the development of the state and society, following the historci tradiations and in commemoration of 275th anniversry of the Russian Academy of Scinces foundation". The Academy of Sciences was founded on February 8, 724 by the Decree of the governing Senate according to the direction of Peter the First. In 1925 it was renamed in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and in 1991 - in Russian Academy of Sciences.
The scientists of SINP MSU made significant input into production of nuclear shield of Russia, all-round development of the studies in the field of nuclear physics, space physics, high-energy physics, atomic physics, nanophysics, quantum electronics.
The scientists of SINP MSU achieved a lot of significant results during the years of their activity. Each year they publish scientific articles in about 1150 scientific journals, including about about 500 articles publised in Russian and international journals with high impact-factor from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.
We wish all the scientists new achievements and discoveries for the benefit of Russia.