SINP scientists won state prize and honorary title of laureates as part of research team.
In the Government edict N 254-p d.d. 27/02/2013 it is said:
"To award 2012 Prizes of RF Government in the field of science and ecngineering and to award a title "Laureate of the Prize of RF Government in the field of science and engineering": <...> to Andrey Gavrilov, PhD, Head of the Laboratory of D.V.Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Federal State-funded educational institution of the higher professional education "M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University", Igor' Kulikov, programmer of the 1st cathegory, Elena Ritter, leading electronic engineer - employees of D.V.Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of the same institution, - for the development and putting into medical practice of new methods of diagnostics and therapy of cardial muscle dysfunction".